Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Addyson! 11-12-2011

It's hard to believe that 2 years ago today Eric and I were blessed with our wonderful daughter Addyson.  It has been such a joy to see her learn and grow.  It amazes me that a child can be born knowing nothing and before your eyes every day they learn new things from rolling over, to walking and talking. Amazing the little sponges they are.  Today we will be taking Addyson to do one of her favorite things, jump in a bounce house with her friends and then Olive Garden for dinner.  So excited to see all the fun things she has ahead of her.  We love you very much Addy!

Some of Addy's favorite things now:
Abby Cadabby
Strawberry Shortcake and Bubble Guppies shows
Doing things on her own
Pasta and of course Chicken and French Fries
Playing Hide and Seek with her Dad
Going Shopping... thank you Aunt Alyssia :)
Singing songs, especially BINGO and Listen to the Water
Loves books and legos
Loves her doggies, Duncan and Layla

Addyson is:
Walking/running and jumping
Starting to learn to use the Potty on her own
Going to Montessori School
Speaking in 3-5 word sentences
Can count to 11
Sings the ABC song
Knows the colors red, green, orange, blue, yellow, white, black, purple and pink. brown

Addyson just born 11-12-2009

Addyson at 1!
at Monkey Joe's with her friends celebrating

Getting ready for cake.... @ 2 we are harder to get pictures of....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

At Home Montessori News: The Montessori Philosophy

This is a really nice article on the Montessori Philosophy 

At Home Montessori News: The Montessori Philosophy: To liberate the child we must reform the environment, and reform the world. This is a necessity if we are to have life at its highest develo...

Addyson Growing Up

Addyson has recently switched to the Cosmic Montessori school.  The transition was a little harder than we anticipated  but a month later she has settled in really well.  She is already counting to 11, singing all kinds of songs including the ABC song and showing more consistency with her manners.  She is so cute when she says, "thank you mama" or "yes please"! It is so wonderful to see her learn and grow.

Addyson's first day at school, October
At school they are busy with the Practical Life lessons of mirror washing, table-washing and chair washing, which lay the groundwork for future work in language and math.  The main purpose of these activities is to increase concentration and focus as well as to refine motor skills.  We saw a video of Addy doing her first chair scrubbing exercise; she loves working with water.  Addyson is doing peg work below.

Addyson is also turning into quite the performer.  She asks for certain clothes and sings all kinds of songs.Below Addyson is ready to go shopping.  All accessories and expressions are completely Addyson's choice :)

Addyson performing last night for Eric and I.  She makes us laugh and brings so much joy! Stay tuned for more of her exciting times!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween Fun!

Eric and I went to a Halloween Party Saturday night.  We had a lot of fun.  Poor Addyson went to bed right after the babysitter showed up.  She was not thrilled about that, but it worked out really well.

Addyson had a blast this past weekend!  First it started off with a trip to the pumpkin patch.  Addy got to ride a pony for the first time.  She loved riding Carmel.  We saw a huge pig, a very large cow and the goats and chickens which she loves.  After that we took a hay ride and then picked out some pumpkins.  She also had to have some candy corn, as she has discovered candy and thinks it's yummy. 

Addyson is becoming more and more talkative.  She is very determined in what she thinks you should do and is happy to tell you "come on Momma" or "Sit right there Dada".  Sunday night we carved pumpkins.  She enjoyed pouring the seeds from one bowl to another.  This is something she has been practicing at Montessori school and really is enjoying doing this at home with anything, including her dinner!

Monday, Addyson and I got to spend the day together and get ready for Halloween.  She dressed up as Abby Cadabby this year.  Her friend from her old school came over to go trick or treating with us.  They surprised us and had a blast.  No fear in going up to houses, especially once they realized they got candy!  Then back in the wagon they went, talking and sharing the candy they had just gotten.  I think Addyson had as much fun once we got home and answered the door to our trick or treaters.  She kept saying "more kids" and "let's look for them".  

Addy and Braden being pulled around.

Trying a Rice Crispy Treat

Monday, October 24, 2011

Work Trip to NC

Last week I went back to North Carolina for a work trip.  It was great to catch up with old friends and colleges.  Addyson and Daddy had a wonderful time.  She did so well for him, sleeping through the night and being a good girl.  When I picked up Addyson from school Friday she said to me "chicken and french fries".  Hmmmm I think she has that in common with Daddy.  They were on the go constantly and had  a blast.  Makes it easy to relax when away.

Last thing I was able to enjoy was getting back into running.  Last day there, I got a 2 mile run in while the sun was rising near the ocean.  Very peaceful.

This weekend we enjoyed having family visit us.  Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch.  It is so much fun to see Addyson spend time with her cousins.  She loves following them around, even if it's the same circle in the corn maze.