Friday, June 8, 2012

Baby Boy Banks 4d

Eric, Addyson and I went last weekend to see the baby in 4D. He already looks a lot like his daddy.  He likes to pull one leg up to cover his face, but eventually cooperated so we could get a good look.  Addyson enjoyed seeing her little brother.  Now to finish deciding on nursery and get organized.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We are having a Boy!!

Just an update that we have found out that our new little blessing is a boy!  He is due August 10th.  As you all know August 8th is special for Eric and his family so he's pulling for an early arrival. Stay tuned to see when our little one graces us with his presence.  Addyson is super thrilled to be a big sister, as much as she understands.

She has not decided she is a big girl and is almost day potty trained and has switched to a big girl bed!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Catch up whirlwind!

Wow!  I can't believe it's been so long since we have posted to the blog.  There has been so much going on in the Banks' household.  First we are excited and very proud of Eric who accepted a job with Dover Corporation as Director of Operations.  Eric has been working there since February while we anxiously try to sell the house.  We will be relocating to Mentor, OH area soon, we hope!

We also announced that The Bank's family will be welcoming a new member of our family Aug 13th, 2012.  We are excited to find out what our baby will be.  Addyson is thrilled to be a big sister.  So far baby is healthy.  Looking forward to big Ultra Sound April 6th!
7 weeks

14 weeks

17 weeks



Addyson has been doing awesome at school. She is such a big girl now.  She decided last weekend she wanted to wear big girl underwear so off went the diapers and here we go.  1 week later we finally had more success.  Sunday she made it 3 times in the potty and only one accident!  Jelly  Beans and Stickers are her favorite reward.  Addyson loves posing for pictures, singing and dancing.  She was super excited to see her Daddy this weekend after 2 weeks!  Wonderful.

Also in our free time :), I decided to sell Thirtyone Products on the side for fun! I love the bags and am excited to share them with friends and family, as well as make new friends.  Christina's Thirty One Site

We are praying for some great news for our home and other family milestones.  Hope everyone's spring is off to a good start!