Friday, June 24, 2011

Addyson's Wonderful Dad!

A little late, but Happy Father's day to my wonderful Husband Eric.  We spent the day with my sister hanging out, grilling and relaxing.
Addy also showed off her wonderful new smile when she says "CHEEESE"

Later this week Eric and Addyson did a father/daughter project.  Thanks Aunt Alyssia for getting it for them.  Here we go, get Addy covered and Dad starts the assembly.
 hmmm what are you doing Dad? 
 Cheese, I see the camera.
 Ok here goes, let's see how this works......
 Dad I really don't want my hands dirty or in this again.  Please just let me wash my hands.
 Ok putting in the stars is much better. It's like putting on "stickies"
 Completed project... Now to find a spot outside for the wonderful stone.

 Beautiful... Thank you for the patience, I obviously have a hard time choosing how many photo's to share.   hope everyone enjoys.  I know we did.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brookfield Zoo

Saturday we went to the Brookfield zoo.  Aunt Nicole was in town to see all the fun that Addy had.

Addy loved the monkeys!  She kept getting excited, pointing them out and then all the other animals were hopefully monkeys as well!
The polar bear was by far one of my favorites.  You were separated only by a double pane of glass.  He kept swimming by and showing all of his tricks.  Another great highlight.

Surprisingly Addyson had no fear with the goats.  She didn't mind that they wanted to nibble her whole hand bc she couldn't open it up flat. Then on into the pen to pet and brush. 
 Addy brushing this big goat, I think she brushed them all several times!
Addy really liked the baby. She kept following it around saying, baby, baby.  All in all a wonderful trip to the zoo.  So glad we are members because we didn't even get to see half of it.  Next time we will have to bring Dad!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weekend Fun and other things...

Addyson has shown that she really enjoys helping with things now.  You can see she got a kick out of helping her Dad clean his motorcycle.

Addyson is also turning into quite the commedian.  She enjoys saying cheese for the camera...of course when she wants to.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day at the Museum

Wednesday a few friends of mine from the Mom's group and I took our kids to the Science and Industry Museum.  We had 8 kiddos between the three of us.  Three of which were stroller bound.  Addyson loved this adventure.  It started out with two boys in the back that entertained her the whole way!

Addyson loved seeing the big planes at the museum.

She also had time to dance and take a little break in her stroller.

Favorite highlights!  Seeing the baby chicks... as Addyson says peep peep peep.  And sitting on the Choo Choo.

What a great day!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Addy's Garden

We are trying our first garden and hoping Addy will enjoy watching them grow and eating fresh. Garden green thumbs no comments from the peanut gallery please, I know it's a long shot all these will make it in the containers. I just couldn't decide what to buy and didn't have the ambition to build a garden yet :). We have cucumbers, red, yellow and green peppers, two kinds of tomatoes, melon, strawberries, Jalepenos and banana peppers, zucchini and yellow squash as well as pumpkins in the front yard. Unfortunately I couldn't find cauliflower, one of Addyson's favorite veggies. Addy loves looking, watering and touching but don't ask her to get dirty!
Hoping we get some food :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First trip to the pool

Addyson and I went to the pool today! Last year she lived swimming but was apprehensive this year..... Utility she found the big slide. Thank goodness for helpful parents that guided her up the stairs so I could catch her. Finally I figured out how to jump in before she pushed off so we could keep playing. She also enjoyed the big pool and kicking. More pool pics when Dad comes next time.

Trying it out

Well, I guess we are going to try out this blogging thing.  Here goes. 

Memorial Day weekend we went to Ohio to see our eldest Nephews, Bub and Brandyn graduate from Highschool.  We had a great time and are so proud of them!  More pictures to come later.