Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We started off our vacation with a nice day in Ohio visiting Grandparents and aunts/uncles.  Addyson loved being outside and
playing in the little pool!  She even posed for a few quick pictures.

Then off to New York, another 7 hour drive.  Addy did great in the car.
Dinner at Papa's restaurant!

 We did lots of fun things, including watching fireworks.  Addyson made it to most of the show, but was too tired to see the end.

excited to see the fireworks
Addy asks to go night night.

I see you papa!

Addyson really liked riding this animal at the park.

Another really fun trip was to the children's museum.  They had a beautiful story garden.
Peter Rabbits vegetable garden

Rosebud the Cow

Addyson's most favorite part about this visit had to be the kid sized version of a grocery store.  She went around picking out items that she eats and putting them in her cart. 

Just relaxing on the porch.

Giving Layla Loves

Cheese!  what a ham.

One other very exciting adventure!  Addyson slept in a big girl bed all week.  She loved it and slept wonderfully in it.  I guess it's time for us to think about that next step of freedom at home..... oh Boy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Garden update

Earlier this week, Addyson and Eric added her completed stone to her pumpkin "punkie" garden.
This morning Addyson went to check out her garden since we are heading out on vacation.  We have some friends helping take care of them, but here is proof they are alive.  Several Tomatoes getting ready and a banana pepper!

Talking to the "punkies"

Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend! Thank you to all who served and who are serving to protect our freedom!